musei e scuola

“Involve, stimulate and entertain: let's learn at the museum!”

In the role of "educator", the Museum Centre dedicates particular attention to young people, developing differentiated educational paths that offer schools of all levels specific opportunities to enjoy the historical and scientific heritage preserved.

A constant and active dialogue with the schools allows us to offer educational activities that are always current and stimulating to bring the school public closer to scientific disciplines in an engaging and participatory way.

The topics addressed during the guided tour are further enriched by the laboratory activities during which the observation and manipulation of the finds, the use of the instruments stimulate curiosity and help the children to develop analytical and synthesis skills.

The visit to the museum thus becomes an instructive but also an exciting and fun experience that allows students to acquire full awareness not only of the importance of scientific disciplines but also of the museum heritage and its protection.

The Centre also collaborates with local schools for the realization of projects (PON, POR, etc.) and for the development of "paths for transversal skills and orientation" (PCTO ex alternation between school and work) aimed at bringing young people closer to the world of work.